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Valentines bouquet

Devoted love Valentine's Day Flowers


This Valentine's Day, express your devotion with "Devoted Love" from The Flower Hut Florist. A beautiful combination of stunning red roses, calla lily, peach/pink spray roses, and eryngium, this bouquet is timeless, elegant, and perfect for anyone wanting to show their other half how much they mean to them. These are stunning Valentine's Day flowers, the bouquet crafted by your independent, skilled florist using the finest, freshest blooms, this arrangement makes a truly stunning Valentine's Day gift.


(Please note: the bouquet in the photo has 12 red roses. Please select how many roses you would like.)


Elevate your expression of love with a bespoke creation from The Flower Hut Florist.

  • Delivery

    Please note: The Flower Hut Florist generally requires a minimum of 48hrs notice on online flower orders. For next day flowers please do call ahead before placing an order so I can confirm it is possible, as I will always endeavor to do my best to please my valued customers.

  • Wrapping it up...

    All my bouquets are wrapped carefully in a well presented in sustainable and recyclable kraft paper.

    When selecting your finish you will have two options:

    "Earth loving wrap"

    This finish is included with your price. Ready for the recipient to recieve and place their beautiful flowers in their own vase to enjoy. The kraft paper can go in the recycle bin.

    "Aqua wrap"

    The aqua wrap is where the finish is where the stems are placed in a water-filled plastic pouch to help keep the flowers fresh and hydrated. This option is ideal for gifting if you know the recipient might not be able to place the flowers in a vase immediately and ensure the flowers stay fresh for an extended period. Whilst I've carefully selected a packaging supplier where the plastic has been recycled and can be recycled again with scrunchable plastics, it is still worth noting that I am still using plastic.

    The flowers are then wrapped with lovely, sustainable kraft paper and placed in a floral, cardboard box.



  • Flowers

    In the unfortunate event that a particular flower stem isn't available, then please rest assured I will endeavour to find a suitable alternative from my trusteed supplier.

Please note: I will be closed between the 15th - 23rd February 2025

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